Los Angeles Wrongful Death Attorneys

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What Happens When a Loved One Is Taken from You?

Often, the toll of losing a loved one can be both emotionally and financially devastating. Depending on the circumstances, survivors of a wrongful death lawsuit may be able to seek compensation for their losses. The damages secured by such a settlement or verdict can range from a variety of incurred and future expenses. Some of these awarded damages can include the total value of future lost wages, funeral expenses, and the emotional distress of losing your loved one. As experienced wrongful death lawyers in Los Angeles, the team at BD&J aims to bring justice to those whose loved one’s death has occurred because of wrongdoing.

A wrongful death occurs when someone’s life is lost through the negligence or fault of somebody else. While this subject is broad, most wrongful death cases occur by way of car accidentsproduct liability, and medical malpractice. Because a wrongful death can be the fault of multiple parties, this may include the citation of individuals, companies, and even governmental agencies. Consequently, wrongful death cases are often complex and require the skill sets of highly adept wrongful death attorneys.


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